- Facilities I Can Use -
- Our lab uses computational modeling and advanced manufacturing to study the mechanical properties and functionalities of architected materials.
- We are equipped with a multi-material polymer printer, the Objet 260, that has the capability to print using multiple polymer materials simultaneously. For mechanical testing, our team utilizes systems like Instron for quasi-static tests, alongside a GOM DIC system to accurately characterize deformation.
- We're part of the Additive Manufacturing Institute of Science and Technology (AMIST) at UofL The AMIST Core Facility, is one of the most advanced prototyping facilities in Louisville.
- Along with leveraging our manufacturing and testing facilities, I often visit the University of Kentucky to work with their NanoScribe GT nanoscale printer. I also routinely conduct impact experiments at Purdue University, utilizing their Light Weight Gas Gun and Kosky Bar.
- For the characterization of the samples, I will regularly schedule the SEM at the Conn Center.
- Static Mechanical Testing -
- Additive Manufacturing -

- Characterization -

- High Velocity Testing -